Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


I have a student this year whose last name is pronounced "Rude" and I can't help but feel a sort of automatic kinship with him. It's not easy growing up being Rude or Gross. I am sure he has heard plenty of similar lame jokes over the years (example: What's your middle name - "Is"?)

Recently, after discussing connotation and denotation in my classes, I wondered if there was any sense of "gross" that would have a positive connotation. If it's been too long since your last English class, I will happily remind you that "denotation" just means dictionary definition, while "connotation" is what associations people have with the word. For example, "relaxed" has a positive connotation while "lazy" has a negative connotation, even though the two words have a similar denotation of "nothing is getting done". 

"Gross" has a very negative connotation 95% of the time: "Disgusting!"

And the only other common usage has a neutral connotation at best: a gross can signify "a dozen dozen", i.e. 144. 

There's also "Gross Domestic Product" and "gross earnings before taxes". And "high grossing films", which is fairly positive. But then again, there's such a thing as "gross injustice'. 

I was about to give up, but then a version of "gross" with a positive connotation dawned on me: "engross". 

"To occupy one's mind completely". 


It connects with this quote from A.W. Tozer I came across recently: "We are called to an everlasting preoccupation with God." 

We are meant to be ENGROSSED in the Lord!

That's not only a good thing, that's the BEST thing. 

(And, I will have you note, "engross" is embedded in my larger name: Stev-engross. I can live with THAT.)

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