Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Thursday, November 10, 2022


One of my assigned books this semester has got me a little down.

The title is The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self by Carl Trueman.

One of the blurbs on the back cover says Trueman's book will help "the church understand why people believe that sexual difference is a matter of psychological choice". 

But the book is a whole lot bigger than that. 

The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self traces the historical roots of the "woke" tide which is rising in our culture. Trueman makes a compelling case that those roots go back hundreds of years. Rousseau, Nietzsche,  Marx, and Freud all played significant roles in shaping the ideology that is now bearing fruit in modern America. 

I used to assume that all the pronouns, microaggressions, safe spaces, and critical theories were going to be a passing trend, ridiculed out of fashion within 5 or 10 years. But I am starting to see that it is here to stay.

We need to move beyond shock, laughter, and mockery. We need to analyze the shape and scope of this ideology if we hope to combat it. So far we haven't even come to grips with the fact that it IS an ideology. 

While we collectively obsessed for decades over preventing Marxism from getting a foothold in our economy and government institutions, this more dangerous hybrid ideology was creeping steadily into schools, colleges, the media, and Hollywood. 

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