Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Thursday, November 3, 2022


Even though I had read a number of books and had been with Mission Resource for several months before I left for Ghana, the bulb didn’t really light up until I met some of our clients firsthand. It moved everything from the abstract-and-theoretical into the concrete-and-practical. 

I thought a particular example would be helpful to explain the basics of why loans can be so powerful for the working poor.

I met Anim Otu in the village of Makango at the end of September. The village sits on the shore of Lake Volta and Anim makes his living by catching tilapia and catfish. He has a decent boat but he bought the motor used 10 years ago and it is reaching the end of its lifespan. 

As breakdowns become more frequent, Anim is spending as much time repairing the motor as he is checking his traps. That means fewer fish each day. And fewer fish means his income is steadily decreasing.

Anim has found a motor for sale at the equivalent of $1,300 U.S. But as his income shrinks, so does any hope of ever affording this amount without outside help. If nothing changes, the old motor will eventually drive him out of business. And into hunger.

This is why a loan from Mission Resource holds the potential to do so much good – and prevent so much suffering.

The majority of the people we are helping are like Amin: living life on the verge of crisis. They are looking for a little assistance so they can keep fishing, sewing, farming, or cooking - whatever serves their community, puts food on their table, and enables their kids to go to school. 

With the help of a bit of capital, in time, our clients stabilize their businesses and then grow them. 

Mission Resource is making a real difference in the lives of real people. And THAT is what is motivating me in my current role.

My title is “communications director” and that means a big part of my job is helping Mission Resource raise more money so that we can offer more loans.

And real people are depending on me. 

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