Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Wednesday, November 10, 2021


One of my doctorate classes met by Zoom for the first time today. The class has the somewhat intimidating title of "Sacramental Spirituality and Disciple-Making Leadership". 

Early in our two hours together, the professor discussed what shape our final paper will take. He was almost apologetic for making the assignment too short (by doctorate-level standards) at 10 to 12 pages. Thankfully, it is not due until February of 2022. 

Not going to lie - it made me nervous to even talk about it. 

There was discussion of research, analysis, and footnotes. And I became aware of my need to brush up on Wesleyan theology and church history. 

The thing that really got me riled up, though, was the subject matter of the paper. A key component will be suggestions of practical applications of theology to some of the secular influences in the local church

And that's when I became very conscious of being the only 8th grade English teacher among nearly twenty pastors. Definitely the odd man out.

At that point, I asked myself for the hundredth time, "What am I doing?" 

Currently, my only answer is "being obedient to God". The Lord put me in this program and did not feel compelled to spell out all of his reasons up front. 

I will not quibble regarding God's ways, but I have been a bit impatient on next steps ... where is this going?

It's too early to share any details here, but an answer seems to be forming on the horizon and it is getting me excited. Would you be willing to pray for me - for discernment, patience, wisdom, and faith?

I appreciate it!

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