Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Saturday, November 13, 2021


In fulfillment of a class requirement, for over a month now I have spent 30 minutes in Bible study daily. Typically I start at 5 am, and I set an alarm for 30 minutes so that I don't have to watch the clock, worried that I might be late for work. I am moving very slowly through the book of Matthew, taking notes as I go. 

And with all sincerity, I can say it is the highlight of my day. The alarm sounds, telling me I have to get on with my other morning routines, but I switch gears with great reluctance. 

In the past, the only time I have ever spent this much time with Scripture throughout a week was when I was preaching on a regular basis. The temptation I always fought with that sort of Scripture study was to read the Bible for what OTHERS needed to learn. Currently I can devote my full attention to what I myself need to learn. On average, I generate more than a notebook page worth of notes each day. 

A more fruitful approach!

Ironically, that leaves me feeling like for the first time in my life - even as I currently have no pulpit - that I am actually prepared/qualified to preach. 

I have no intention of dropping this new habit once this class ends. In fact, if I can find opportunity, I would like to expand my study time beyond 30 minutes. 

It's that good.

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