Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Monday, August 23, 2021


"I screwed up!" were Samuel's first words when I answered his phone call last night as he ended his third full day as a freshman on Ball State's campus. 

It turns out that his first official college lessons had just taken place: 1) Parking signs should be read carefully and 2) They mean business. 

Instead of immediately moving his car to his assigned stadium parking lot, he had left it in the church lot across the street from his dorm. For about 24 hours too long. Now it was gone and the cost to retrieve it was going to be $170! 


Samuel was kicking himself for letting that much money slip through his fingers for his lack of attention. After all, he had passed on purchasing a closer parking spot with the university for the school year at just $100 extra because he had wanted to save money. 

I appreciated the fact that he blamed only himself. He was mad not at the church or the tow company, but at himself. 

I wish I could credit his follow up actions this morning to fatherly advice, but my only advice last night was "Don't lose sleep over it. What's done is done."

What he did this morning came purely from his own heart and character: He walked into that church building and found someone to chat with. 

He was shocked when the church offered to pay the towing fee for him. They said it was because he was so "respectful". 

And the cherry on top? After getting his car back and parking it properly, Samuel wrote and delivered a thank you note to the church.

Proud dad moment over here. That's at least three valuable lessons so far and classes are just getting started!

(P.S. Plus - way to live out the gospel, church! Kudos!) 

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