Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Friday, December 8, 2023


The Calvinist God apparently says, "I do not take pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 33:11). However ... it sure does wonders for My glory to send them to everlasting torment in hell." 

Among the many philosophical weaknesses of Calvinistic theology, the question of God's motives for "passing over" the reprobates ranks pretty high in indefensibleness. 

In the midst of explaining the doctrine of unconditional election, the Calvinist has to anticipate the question, "Well, if it glorifies God to save some people, why not go all the way and save everybody?"

I have only ever heard four responses from Calvinist teachers and not one holds water:

  1.  That some are saved demonstrates God's mercy. That most are damned, his justice.
  2.  God gains glory by saving some but He also gains glory in damning some. 
  3.  "Who are you, o man, to question God?"
  4.  Since humans are such vile, sinful creatures, what's really amazing is that He chooses to save any at all!

Only a fellow ideologue imagines any of those to be valid and legitimate defenses of the Calvinist position. 

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