Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Monday, September 9, 2024


It’s September and the overnight temps are dropping into the 40s. Soon we'll need to watch the weather closely to know when to bring our houseplants inside.

A year ago, I moved a dahlia into my church office in Sardinia and never took it back outside over the summer. It’s got a nice sunny spot by a window - but it’s not flourishing because I’m not there enough to give the regular watering it needs. 

As a result, it’s thin and spindly and it never did flower this summer.

In 1 Corinthians 3, the Apostle Paul uses a garden analogy for God’s Kingdom and says some workers are tasked by God to plant and some to water. And they are not in competition with each other since both serve God’s purpose as He alone brings the growth. 

While I am grateful for those who plant in the Kingdom, I am happy to work for Mission Resource where we are called to water! And I rejoice in seeing the growth the Lord brings to brothers and sisters half a world away as they receive what they need to create and sustain successful Kingdom businesses. Families are nourished, kids are educated, communities are served and churches expand. 

We have seen many individuals and families bloom as entrepreneurs in incredible ways and it always leaves me wondering how many more across the developing world would bloom if only they had the water they needed. 

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