Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Have you ever seen people turning the word "Bible" into an acronym?

  • Basic 
  • Instructions
  • Before
  • Leaving 
  • Earth

This really sticks in my craw.

What an impoverished view of Scripture! Not to mention what it does to the gospel itself. 

All in an attempt to be clever.

This slogan reduces the Bible to a "How To" book full of "instructions" for gaining heaven. 

No living and active word of the Lord here, sharper than any two-edged sword.

And what's with the talk of leaving the earth? 

If you're a believer, you aren't leaving earth. You're getting a new heaven and a new earth and the Kingdom of God come in its fullness.

All of this becomes much clearer - and life becomes far richer - when you actually pick up the Bible and start reading it. 

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