Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Friday, September 6, 2024


Sahil Bloom is a writer I am just starting to get to know. Along with 800,000 other people, I subscribe to his email newsletter The Curiosity Chronicle.

I find his perspectives on life useful. As a believer, here's one idea which stood out to me in particular: thinking of life more in terms of Missions than Goals.

Bloom contrasts the two like this:

"Missions are life journeys with no specific end. Missions are not goals. Goals are finite—focused around discrete achievements, with specific ends that create their own problems. Missions are infinite games.

"You do not reach a Mission, you live out a Mission." 

And so he has defined a mission in each of three areas of life: the professional, the personal, and health. 

So for instance, under health, Bloom has this life mission: "To build and maintain my fitness and vitality to perform at an elite level relative to my age."

I like that. I could adopt that as my own ... although I might tone down the "elite" to "above average". ;-)

I think I already live by mission, but I think it would be a useful exercise to put my missions into words. I need to give it more thought.

What are YOUR missions in life? 

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