Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Monday, September 2, 2024


“God is a mean-spirited, pugnacious bully bent on revenge against His children for failing to live up to his impossible standards.” ― Walt Whitman, American poet

As far as I can tell, Whitman was a Deist and did not shy away from proclaiming a belief in a "universal Spirit" type of God. Apparently, "pugnacious bully" was his term for the God of "conventional religion", which he openly disdained.  

I have to admit that his characterization of God is not too far off from what many modern Christians seem to believe. (Of course they wouldn't put it so bluntly or negatively.)

It makes me wonder if Whitman hung out with Calvinists. 

This illustrates an important motivation for presenting the gospel accurately - you don't want someone avoiding Christianity and Scripture after rejecting a "God" who is not even the God of the Bible. 

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