Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Saturday, September 28, 2024


I thought I would share a couple of random comments from a YouTube video created by a Calvinist who was fishing for critics of John Calvin. 

Instead, the responses were overwhelmingly positive - Calvinists turning out to support their guy. 

I share them as real life proof for any who doubt that people really buy into the idea that before time begins, God chooses some people for salvation and damns all the rest.

First up is Tony who repeats the Calvinist talking point that when God chooses only a handful for salvation and reserves all the rest for damnation it is all to God's GLORY:

Lorraine, on the other hand, prefers to focus on the positive - the lucky ones whom God chooses as His "forever friends":

Is it just me or does it seem like Tony and Lorraine are regurgitating some points they heard in a recent sermon? It doesn't sound like they have fully thought out the ramifications of their belief system.

Lorraine comes awfully close, but doesn't quite grasp the fact that the characters she mentions are "chosen" to be a part of the direct lineage of the Messiah. They are not "chosen" simply for their own salvation, to the exclusion of all others. 

Keep reading, Lorraine!

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