Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Here comes reality.

Today I filled a U-Haul truck with all of Hannah's earthly belongings. Tomorrow I will drive it to Myrtle Beach.

But Hannah had to leave this evening. We found out recently that the managers of her new apartment are not the super accommodating types - no leases can be signed on Fridays! So now she has to be there no later than 5 pm tomorrow.

We thought the best thing would be for her to get a few hours under her belt this evening and finish the trip tomorrow. It's 11 hours of driving all together. 

So she took Ginger and left our house. This marks the first time in seven years that we haven't had more than one dog under foot. 

I didn't really say goodbye to her since I plan to catch up tomorrow evening or Friday morning with her furniture. Still, I've been low-key depressed all day. 

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