Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Saturday, August 31, 2024


I'd love to tell you about all the sweating I did today as Hannah and I unloaded all her earthly possessions from the 15 foot U-Haul and lugged them up to her second floor apartment, but I am much too tired. And probably dehydrated. 

After moving everything, it was time to assemble or reassemble some things - her new couch, a new bed, and some other odds and ends. And at least this part was inside and air-conditioned.

Later we had a wonderful dinner at a top-notch sushi restaurant just around the corner from her new place. Living here, I imagine it's great to discover anything which is close enough to get to without having to fight beach traffic.

If I think of it in the morning, I will include some pictures with this post - but I am too wiped to do it right now.

But as I head to Hannah's new couch to crash for the night, I have the satisfaction of this bragging right: I am her first guest since she moved to Myrtle Beach.

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