Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Monday, August 26, 2024


"The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why." – NOT Mark Twain 

This is one of my favorite things that Mark Twain never said. 

(Nobody seems to know the originator, but it certainly was not Twain. It's first appearance in print was in 1970 with a simple "It has been said ..."!)

To me the quote encapsulates something that is sorely missing from our present culture - and something I believe people are beginning to wake up to: a sense of purpose.

To me, the purposelessness of the general population is evident in a pervasive low-key mental health crisis. It seems like many have discovered the emptiness of having material possessions - or they've lost hope of every getting them in abundance - and have turned to virtue signaling causes in an effort to find meaning.

I think our culture is growing ripe for a genuine and vibrant Christian faith which is concerned with the truly important aspects of human life.

Not just whether an individual is bound for heaven or hell.

Instead of asking "If you died tonight are you certain you would go to heaven?", I would like to see gospel presentations begin with something along the lines of "Have you discovered your true purpose in life?"

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