Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Monday, August 12, 2024


I was reminded today that it's hard to guess where any particular individual is in his or her faith journey.

I had a long conversation with a sweet and personable woman today and she defies categorization.

  • She has Jewish, Catholic, Baptist, and Mormon branches in her family tree. 
  • She and her husband raised four kids and have never been members of a church. 
  • Now, as a grandmother, she would like to find a church where the preaching is "passionate".
  • She watches The Chosen and listens to the local Christian music station on her car radio.
  • She always gives up something for Lent. 
  • A few months ago she decided to download a prayer and Bible study app called Hallow. She spends about 30 minutes each morning listening to Scripture and Bible teaching. 
  • And, finally, she would like to be baptized sometime soon because she "doesn't want to go to hell"!

What an unusual cluster of beliefs and practices...

When it comes to people and their religious beliefs, there ultimately are no categories. Only individuals. 

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