Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Sunday, August 4, 2024


I started as pastor of Sardinia Baptist Church about a year and a half ago. I am proud to call myself American Baptist. 

But it wasn't until today that I became a baptizer

This morning I had the privilege of baptizing a sweet father and his young son. It was the son who had made the first step a few weeks back - and I was thrilled to see dad join him in coming forward to seek baptism.

The joy I felt in being a part of this morning's sacrament caught me off guard. Nothing could have brought me down.

Long ago I had noticed in the Apostle Paul's writing a pronounced warmth he seemed to feel toward the individuals he had baptized as he went planting churches. After this morning, I can see that there is a certain connection which I feel toward Jason and Braden.

A responsibility too, I suppose. I truly want to see them grow in their faith.

And to cap the morning off perfectly - two more individuals came forward seeking baptism for themselves.

God is at work at Sardinia Baptist.

I pray I get a whole lot more experience in baptizing new brothers and sisters in the coming months and years!

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