Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Over the last few years my imagination has been seeking an analogy to explain the great irony of misplaced faith: that those who "believe" in Jesus so as to avoid hell end up remaining as lost as anyone and are perhaps even tougher for Jesus to reach than those who have never heard of Him.

The analogy that popped into my head this morning is perhaps a bit crude, but I think it's on target. You can be the judge:

The person who comes knocking on Jesus' door only to avoid hell is really only seeking to use Jesus as a means to a selfish end.

He is like the guy who approaches a beautiful girl for a date. She's receptive and excited. She sees so much potential.

Unfortunately for her, in reality, he is only interested in her body. 

He picks her up that night looking clean-shaven and respectable. He is all dressed up and takes her out to dinner. Even picks up the check. He makes small talk. 

She gets her hopes up. Maybe this is the beginning of a long term relationship. 

But at the end of the evening, he makes it clear what he's really after. 

She is insulted. She says, "I don't even know you," as she slams the door in his face.

He's left outside her place with no second chance.

The truly sad thing is this: not only did he not get what he came for, but he is left clueless about what he passed by in his selfishness.

She was the perfect woman and she was ready to give her love to him. He could have had a lifetime of love and passion and companionship, and he missed out because he had had his eyes set on too little. An anonymous one night stand. 

He ends up with nothing, but he could have had it all. 

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