Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Sunday, July 28, 2024


Maybe you already knew this, but as I studied the Noah story this past week, I was surprised to find that the text does not say God put a rainbow in the sky as part of His promise to never destroy humanity again. 

The word that is used is simply "bow" - as in "bow and arrow" and it denotes a weapon for hunting, destruction, or warfare.

So God hangs His weapon up, in the heavens, and pledges to never unleash the floodwaters again. 

But when God does this, nothing has changed in the human heart! 

This begs the question:

So what IS the plan going forward? How will God and humanity coexist? Will humanity's evil be allowed to run unchecked?

Everything in the Bible that follows Genesis 9 is an answer to those implied questions.

If God has hung up His bow and His ultimate solution is NOT to wipe humanity out, then an alternate solution must be in His mind. 

And it turns out to be a plan which will cost HIM instead of humanity. 

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