Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


The more I think about it, the more excited I get about this retreat idea for my dissertation project.

Do you know that feeling you get when you sense that God is at work in some situation? It is a mix of anticipation, enthusiasm, and confidence which feels like it is coming from the outside. 

Significant progress has been made in the past week since this lightbulb first lit up. 

I have now reserved a date for the retreat with the local Baptist campground: January 31st to February 2, 2025. It's a great facility and just 15 minutes from the church. 

Having a date gives me the all important pressure of an actual deadline!

And then today I came across a possible avenue for paying for the retreat - at least a 50/50 match: the Center for Congregations. I think Sardinia Baptist will get behind this project and be willing to financially support it. And with a matching grant from the Center for Congregations, it feels like the Lord is encouraging me to dream bigger:

  • I could invite youth from beyond our own congregation.
  • I could have my friends Tim Price and Jamie Hudgins come and lead music and games.
  • I could print top quality curriculum and offer resources that the teens could take home with them.

The weird thing is that as much effort and thought as I feel inspired to put into this retreat, I sense it will become the first step towards something ongoing and bigger.

Only if God is truly in it. 

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