Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Monday, July 29, 2024


At the beginning of this year, I began observing regular office hours at my church. It's only 4 or 5 hours a week on Mondays, but it makes a world of difference. I usually take the time to write some birthday and anniversary cards and, almost as important, get a jump start on the week's sermon writing. 

And since I live 25 minutes away in a different town, being there on a weekday keeps me a bit more connected to the little community surrounding the church than if I just commute in and out on Sunday mornings.

Fortunately, the "pastor's study" (now that it's been renovated) is a very pleasant place to work. And typically quiet.

In recent weeks, though, it has been less quiet than when I first started the practice of keeping office hours. 

(But quite alright by me.)

Today I had two visitors, one right after the other. And the leisurely conversations with these two men from the congregation were the highlight of my day. 

I wonder if this might be another secret advantage of the small country churches: perhaps life is not as hectic here as among the bigger congregations in town. Rural folks allow more space in the margins of their lives. They grow zucchini and then bake it into bread. They visit with neighbors. 

As an unexpected bonus, each of my two visitors today came bearing gifts. One gave me a book and the other gave me a bag full of freshly picked green beans. 

Don't make the mistake of thinking bigger always means better when it comes to churches! 

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