Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Saturday, July 20, 2024


Melissa, Hannah, and I spent over 6 hours in the car and battled Chicago traffic today to be set to attend my nephew's wedding tomorrow. Samuel drove himself up from his book selling territory in southern Illinois to join us. (First time we've seen him since early May.)

It's funny to be in Milwaukee today just as the Republicans are driving away. As we are focused on family and "real life", the rhetoric of politics seems a million miles removed from us. 

This past week I have heard and read more political opinions than I have an appetite for these days. 

In particular, I'm not a huge fan of the glib mixing of politics and religion. (There's certainly value in discussing the intersection of politics and faith, but the depth and nuances of that discussion do not translate well to bumper stickers or tweets.)

I have seen plenty from both sides: "Trump is our savior" or "Trump is the devil" followed by "if you don't agree with me, you aren't a real Christian". 

Here's one that really got under my skin today:

Is Pastor Pavlovitz saying that God never intervenes in human affairs? Or that He would only intervene on behalf of the innocent? Why did God allow James the brother of John to die by King Herod's sword and then turn around to send an angel to free Peter from Herod's prison? (Acts 12)

The hatred Pavlovitz harbors for Trump is blinding him and warping his theology.

Isn't it possible that Christians from various backgrounds could believe that God intervened to spare Trump's life without agreeing what God's motivation was for doing so?

  • Was it to guarantee that Trump would be elected and to make America great again?
  • Was it to spare the U.S. the violence and chaos which would have followed an assassination?
  • Was it to put Trump back into office as a judgment on America?
  • Was it in answer to those believers who take seriously their duty to pray for their leaders? 
Who knows? Who has the authority to pronounce God's intentions?

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