Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Monday, July 8, 2024


Throughout the summer I have been meeting with the teens of the church on Monday mornings for breakfast and Bible study. 

[The difficulty of getting teens to the church at 8:00 am following a summer weekend is actually part of the design. I didn't necessarily want it to be easy.]

This morning we had 4 young men in attendance and we had donuts, fried eggs, and bacon and looked at Genesis 2 - the creation of Adam and Eve. 

After we read the passage out loud, I encouraged these guys to pose questions that the text raised in their minds. They had some good ones:

  • Why did God place the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the garden in the first place if He didn't want Adam and Eve eating from it?
  • Why was Adam created from the dust of the ground instead of being spoken into existence like almost everything in Genesis 1? Why not "Let there be man"?
  • Why did God make Eve from Adam's rib instead of grabbing more dust?

Somewhere recently I came across a theologian referring to the Bible as "meditation literature" - I want to say it was Tim Mackie - meaning the Scriptures are meant to be read and then chewed on. 

They simply don't yield their truths to speed readers and skimmers. 

They demand meditation. 

And meditation always starts with questions. 

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