Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Thursday, July 18, 2024


I only have energy for a bit of stream-of-consciousness writing tonight, so here goes:

It's weird to finish a project that you've been procrastinating on for nearly 4 years. 

My deadline for the stair railing was 2:00 today. That was when an appraiser was coming by our house to judge what it is worth. 

With an extra hand from Hannah at the finish line, I had all the balusters in place by 2:45, just as the appraiser was ready to leave.

He complimented my work, said he was glad it wasn't his project, took a picture of it for his records and then walked out the door. 

I mentioned yesterday that I am greatly helped by having a firm deadline. I hate to admit it publicly, but I am sure I would get more done at both my jobs if I had some outside force setting deadlines.

(I am finding it very hard to make progress on my dissertation work because I easily blow past my own deadlines. There are no repercussions - besides feelings of guilt and inadequacy.)

Melissa is more than happy with the way the stairway turned out. And making her happy is a big motivator for me. 

Maybe I should put her in charge of my weekly calendar?

(I say it's finished, but that's not exactly true. There is still painting and trim work to do. But I am determined to break out of my handyman reputation of being "King of Almost Finished Projects", so perhaps when Melissa travels out to Myrtle Beach with Hannah in a couple of weeks to do some apartment hunting, I will get the stairs 100% complete.

Now that I've stated it publicly, Melissa is bound to hold me to it!)

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