Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Sunday, July 14, 2024


I have been following developments on Twitter since the attempted assassination of Trump yesterday. I don't read it regularly anymore but it does tend to be a good place to take the culture's pulse on the topics of the day. 

I was surprised at how many tweets in the last 24 hours sought to pin blame for the shooting on somebody other than the would-be assassin. 

And, of course, the other party was always "the one who started it". 

It's strange - I don't remember a single tweet suggesting the shooter's mental health as a possible factor.

And there was zero speculation about demonic influence.

But I have to wonder - especially when it comes to the arena of political leadership - do we take seriously the biblical depiction of destructive spiritual forces at work in our world, unleashing chaos and suffering?

Do Satan and other demonic forces exert influence over individuals and entire cultures or not? Seems like the Bible says they do. 

How come they seldom get any of the credit for the chaos unleashed by sin? 

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