Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Thursday, July 11, 2024


A little family update tonight.

Melissa and I took Hannah out for dinner this evening to celebrate her first real world job offer!

After graduating from Olivet in May, Hannah has been researching interior design firms and sending out her resume. If she couldn't move to Italy, she was praying for the opportunity to live somewhere near the ocean, preferably in North or South Carolina. 

Eventually she came across a small firm in the market to grow their team: iQ Designs ... in Myrtle Beach.

It's looking like a true Win/Win. Hannah gets her dream location and a steady paycheck doing what she loves while iQ Designs gets a creative, intelligent, and competent newby to train up and put to work. 

You can check out iQ Design's website to see some of their projects in the hospitality industry along the coast. They do quality work! 

Melissa and I are so proud of this recent grad - now joining the adult world. We are going to miss having Hannah close by, but at least we will have a good reason to visit Myrtle Beach on a regular basis. 

(Plus, she has promised to take one of the dogs with her!)


  1. That’s so incredible! I wish her the very best!

  2. Congratulations!
