Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Thursday, April 15, 2021


I finally found a few minutes tonight to charge up my new phone and transfer all my data and apps. Then I explored the camera features, and that got me excited. Maybe it will change this past year's equations.

The "equations" in question have looked like this: 

Coronavirus + Loss of Ministry in Haiti = General Sadness
And ... 
General Sadness + Lame Cellphone Camera - My Mother as Audience = Sparse Photos

A little explanation on the last part of the second equation: Since my mother passed away in October of 2019, it has slowly dawned on me that whenever I posted thoughts on this blog and photos on Facebook in the past, she was always the primary audience in the back of my mind. I had full assurance that she would see and enjoy each and every photo or story that documented our daily lives - the beautiful faces of our students, the peacocks outside our door, the rats in our cabinets, the visitors who graced our home and school, our summer travels. Birthdays. Beach trips. Holidays. Airport hassles. Even food pics.

Now ... well, I have yet to find a replacement audience. I feel a little lost still. 

Anyway, the equations are bound to change because at least I have a better camera now. 

Exhibit A is a close up of the hydrangea I bought for Melissa for Easter as it sat in our living room this evening:

Not bad!

As for the General Sadness, it will lift in time.

And as I search for a new primary audience, I would appreciate any advice or suggestions you might have ...


  1. I love your writing, man. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks, John, for the words of encouragement! I'm curious - do you have a particular person in mind as your audience when you write?

    2. Honestly, I think I probably write to myself unless I’m writing something persuasive. Then I write to the follower most likely to disagree with me.

  2. I've had the same issue, sometimes not posting pictures or videos, because I know Mom is not here to see it.
