Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Tuesday, April 20, 2021


When I was young, I trusted the news media to tell me the truth about current events.

Then I learned about bias and how it can twist the truth by selection of what to report and what to leave out. 

Then I began to recognize just how much of the news media "on the other side" was influenced by their bias.

And then I began to recognize just how much of the news media "on my own side" was influenced by their bias.

Now I don't know who to trust on any current event. Real journalism seems pretty scarce these days.

This leaves me 100% certain of only one thing: whatever the story is, I do not know the full story. 

(Whether we are talking national news or the everyday drama with people in our personal lives, literally, only God knows the full story.)

And, painfully aware of my own vast ignorance on all the pertinent details of any particular news story, I am now very hesitant to express firm judgments about current events, especially on social media. 

You are welcome. ;-)

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