Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 98 - Winter Shirts (Give)

This is another of those spring fever moves!  I realize I still have at least one more Indiana winter to go through before we move to Haiti, so I'm not getting rid of all my good winter clothes.  But if I have survived almost an entire winter now without wearing some particular shirt or sweater, I think it's safe to assume I won't be wearing it next winter either.

Especially turtlenecks.  I've got two of them ... and I don't know why! 

You know how sometimes you'll wear a piece of clothing even though it doesn't look all that great because it's so darn comfortable?  And sometimes you'll wear a piece of clothing that's somewhat uncomfortable because it just looks good on you.

Well, turtlenecks are uncomfortable AND geeky looking.  So what's the point in having one?

Much less two.

I got started on this because I found a long sleeve shirt today that I hadn't worn for a while and put it on only to discover the sleeves are a couple of inches too short.  Then I remembered... I don't ever wear this shirt - because it's too small.  But I don't throw it out because it's a nice shirt and I paid money for it. 

Well, it is going to Goodwill along with all the other winter clothing I don't wear.  Why should it hang in my closet when some poorer person might actually get some use out of it?

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