Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Tuesday, July 26, 2022


In recent months, I have been told by both my children and my wife that I can be rather sarcastic. 

At first, I brushed it off: "Everyone is sarcastic."

But I was told that I, in fact, have a special talent for sarcasm.

It took a few repetitions for this to sink it. 

My family isn't being critical, necessarily. They are just pointing out a fact. 

But now I catch myself saying sarcastic things and I am slowly coming to realize that my family is right.

And I don't like it. 

As I have gotten older, the following thought pops into my mind now and then: "How do I want to be remembered?"

And I really don't want people standing around my casket saying, "He sure was a sarcastic sonofagun, wasn't he?" 

Ultimately, mocking others with sarcasm isn't loving. Not at all.

So if I want to remembered primarily as being a "loving" human being, the sarcasm has to go. 

(I can't post these thoughts without the following note to wife and children: the sarcasm won't disappear over night.)

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