It has been at least a week since I've updated this blog with info about my Throws, Gives and Sells. I haven't been writing about it, but I have been DOING it. Nothing too big or exciting here, sad to say. I was just trying to survive this past week and not much else. I got run down and sickly just as our final week of play practice got underway. And there were all sorts of last minute things to be done regarding props and concessions for intermission and t-shirts for the cast, etc. Dress rehearsal was scary, but the cast and crew pulled off a good show on Friday and Saturday evening.
Now it's Sunday - the DAY AFTER - and it was a good day. We slept in a bit. Attended church. The temps hit the 80s in the afternoon. I killed some dandelions. And I went for a 7 mile run (well, maybe 5.5 miles were actually running!). It was all very relaxing. I am looking forward to being at school tomorrow and being able to leave at 3:30!! I need to go to the mechanic shop and clean out my old Saab so that I can get it towed away soon. Later in the week is the Drama Queen's 9th birthday! And my 43rd...
So I will take the opportunity tonight to get caught up here.
Back to Day 140...
Marthon Bag to Give. I got rid of the medals, so might as well move some of the other souvenirs - to Goodwill. |
Day 141:
Book on Japan to Give. I got this book from my good Japanese friend, Masato Suzuki, who spent a year at Wabash College when I was a Sophomore. If I had more time, I could tell some great Masato stories! He was one of a kind. I have thought about him recently with the earthquake in Japan. Unfortunately, we lost contact with him years ago. Anyway, my brother Spencer was also good friends with Masato and Day 141 was his birthday, so I am passing the book on to him. |
Day 142:
More marathon souvenirs: some hats to Give to Goodwill. I have a lot of hats for a guy who never wears hats. |
Day 143:
Halloween candle to Throw. This one is admittedly pretty lame, but I was in a hurry. I might have even been tempted to throw it in the garage sale stuff, but it's totally the wrong time of year. |
Day 144:
Horseshoe from my Grandpa Henke's farm to Give. It was my nephew's birthday. I didn't get to give it to him personally because it was the night of dress rehearsal, so I don't know if he appreciated it or not. This was from his great grandfather's farm. And Alex's dad was the one of us who was really, really into the horses. I remember how devastated Spencer was the time a storm knocked down an old barn, killing several horses that had sought shelter alonside the barn. |
Day 145 and 146:
These two are the lamest yet, but they had to go. I tossed the biscotti for Day 145. I don't even like biscotti typically, but this was part of a Starbucks Christmas gift basket some time ago and so I figured it was expensive and should eventually be eaten. When I pulled it out of the kitchen cabinet, I looked at the "best by" date on the wrapper: March 2009! The tea was from the same basket, but I didn't figure dead leaves would really ever expire, so I Gave the tea to one of my students who was in the play. He's been talking about tea a lot lately. I've mentioned him before: Nerd Supreme. Over the course of this school year - and especially having him on stage these last few weeks - I have really grown to appreciate him all the more. He's hilarious. |
Day 147:
Scottish Cap - Give to David. This student was the one who picked the play we performed: 12 Angry Jurors. He ended up only having time to take on a bit part - that of the guard, but it was good to have him be a part of the production. He showed up for the last night in a kilt for some reason and so I ended up giving him this cap that I brought back from my year in Aberdeen, Scotland. It's real Harris Tweed. He was very excited to have it. He wore it the rest of the night - all through the cast party. |
Day 148:
While I was out running today, Melissa got the kids together to clean out the van. She brought in this remote to clean up. It belongs to the little portable DVD player we got for the kids to watch in the van years ago. It has been floating around in the van ever since (notice the years of sticky grime!) and we've never used it. In fact, it ocurred to me that there is absolutely no point to having a remote like this. When the DVD player is strapped to the back of the seat in front of you, why would you need to point a remote control at it?? So we tossed it. |
Woohoo! I'm caught up!
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