Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Saturday, May 15, 2021


Throughout my childhood, I thought THE most boring topic in the world was anything having to do with politics.

After college I began to find interest in politics and tuned into talk radio. At that point, politics became a way to feed my sense of self-righteous anger. 

Eventually I decided that any radio host who could maintain that level of outrage for three hours a day and five days a week was either faking it or incredibly unhealthy. Either way, I decided it was best not to keep listening. 

Nowadays, I am largely immune to politics-induced anger and I find politics absolutely fascinating and exhausting.

Fascinating because it is a clear window into the universal drama of human nature, with all of its conflict, problem-solving and attempts at persuasion. 

Exhausting because - today more than ever - politicians (of every stripe) can hardly speak a sentence without spin and oversimplification and outright falsehoods. It seems like they take our gullibility for granted.

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