Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Friday, June 7, 2024


We typically think of wealth and poverty strictly in terms of money. But James Clear outlines 4 types of wealth:

  1. Financial wealth (money)
  2. Social wealth (status)
  3. Time wealth (freedom)
  4. Physical wealth (health)

And then gives this warning: "Be wary of jobs that lure you in with 1 and 2, but rob you of 3 and 4."

I would add "Relational Wealth" (friendship) to his list.

And if there are these 5 types of wealth, then there are also 5 types of poverty.

And although most Americans do not suffer true financial poverty, to one extent or another, we do suffer relational poverty, time poverty, and physical poverty.

And the funny thing is, we're not really aware how much these poverties diminish us. And we don't really fight to reverse them. 

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