Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Sunday, June 23, 2024


When I listen to the hardcore proponents of original sin - the Jonathan Edwards "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" types - what really strikes me is the hyper focus on man's utter sinfulness to the exclusion of all other considerations. 

They stress that humans are "God haters" and that God has every right to condemn sinners to hell for their affront to His glory and justice and righteousness, but I almost never hear them speak of the pain which we inflict on each other with our sin. 

Every sinner you encounter in this life isn't merely a sinner. He or she is also a victim of the sins of others. 

How many alcoholics have an alcoholic parent?

How many abusers were abused themselves as children?

How many thieves are the product of broken, dysfunctional homes?

And that "sinner" you are tempted to judge might also be the victim of generational poverty or natural disasters or disease or ... who knows what else.

Heck, imagine the (mis)shaping power of the surrounding culture!

We tend to forget those influences, but I don't think God does. 

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