Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Monday, June 17, 2024


This morning was a good morning. 

A few weeks ago an idea popped into my head - an experiment for our church's summer youth ministry: a weekly Breakfast Club.

After polling the teens a few weeks ago, we had decided that Monday mornings (!) would work best for the greatest number of individuals. The schedule would be simple: Show up at 8:00 am if you want to help cook, 8:30 for breakfast and Bible, and we'd finish by 9:30. 

The goal is greater spiritual health through a habit of personal Bible study. The system to reach that goal is two-pronged:

  1. A study grounded in Genesis and highlighting the big themes of the Faith which get started there. 
  2. Practical information about habit formation.

(The best part is that I am killing two birds with one stone here. The curriculum I am creating is going to become the basis for my dissertation.) 

At our first meeting two weeks ago, three teens showed up. And it was good.

Last Monday only one teen came. And it was a little awkward.

After last Monday's lack of attendance I almost altered the time and day, but finally decided that the challenge of meeting on a Monday morning might actually serve to illustrate important aspects of habit formation. 

This morning seven teens came to cook, eat, and delve into the Bible and we also had two grade school girls and two other adults beside me!

With 12 people around the table enjoying waffles and bacon and Genesis 1, it felt to me like the start of something.

Time will tell.

Anyway, this little taste of success got me motivated to be more intentional about my curriculum. I haven't had any handouts ready to go so far - I confess that Monday mornings tend to sneak up on me. But I spent some time today creating what will become an ongoing weekly review sheet (for those who have to miss now and then) and a single sheet with guided questions for discussion next week. 

This feels important - maybe in bigger ways that I can currently guess. 

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