Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


I still need to do more research, but it seems that my departure from a straight up belief in original sin/total depravity puts me at odds with my own theological tradition, Methodism.

As much as John Wesley disliked Calvinism, his unquestioning acceptance of total depravity meant that he would in essence always be one-fifth Calvinist.

As far as I can tell, the only thing keeping Wesley out of the quicksand of the other four points of Calvinism was the invention of "prevenient grace". 

Taking the place of Calvinism's "irresistible grace", prevenient grace is the Methodist term for God's way of overcoming the depravity of man in general, allowing otherwise dyed-in-the-wool God haters and spiritual imbeciles the opportunity to see and desire Christ and then to put their faith in Him. 

My only question now is this: how heretical is it for a doctoral student at a Wesleyan seminary to question original sin, depravity, and prevenient grace? 

(Hopefully not TOO heretical!)

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