Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Sunday, June 2, 2024


One of my more liberal friends posted this on his Instagram account:

This sort of political cartoon simply baffles me because to me it doesn't score points against the opponent. It only reveals the blindness of team affiliation. 

On both sides.

It seems obvious to me that a Republican could draw the same cartoon with two donkeys watching the same TV footage. The first would say "These campus protests are all about free speech. I can't believe the police are arresting protestors!" As in the original, the second would sheepishly reply, "That's footage from Jan. 6."

In pointing out that the other party is full of hypocrisy, the cartoonist inadvertently flags his own party's hypocrisy.

So is one side's hypocrisy supposed to be worse than the other?

It all boils down to "It's right when my side does it". 

And when it comes to politics, that sentiment is not the least bit original. Or all that humorous. 

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