Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


For most of my life the American stereotype overseas seemed to be "the obnoxious American" - the loudmouth foreigner who thought the whole world revolved around him and his needs. 

I wonder what the world currently thinks of when they imagine a typical American?

Last week I had a short conversation with a woman from another country. She's been living and working in Columbus for two years. 

She described life in her home culture as being hard and dangerous. She sometimes feared for her children's lives.

She said in Indiana she didn't have to worry over her children and for that she was grateful.

But she missed her home country.

And then she said something that caught me off guard and I have been pondering ever since:

"I like the United States. But there's something really wrong here."

And then she asked, "What is it that is driving all the mental illness?"

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