Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Wednesday, January 3, 2024


Just over two days into the new year and I am already learning new lessons.

Like how useful steroids can be.

My latest sinus infection chose Christmas Day for its arrival. The next day I felt remarkably better. But then the third day I woke up at 1:00 am to drive Sarah to the Fort Wayne Airport, two and a half hours away. 

I was glad to do it, but I know it played a role in giving this infection a major second wind. By Sunday morning, it had travelled into my vocal cords, leaving me to croak my way through the sermon. 

My Sunday afternoon nap - usually a trusted friend - betrayed me. When I woke, I couldn't speak at all.

Today, I decided that I had resisted seeing a doctor long enough.

At 3:38 pm, I walked out of the clinic with an antibiotic for my sinuses and a steroid for my voice.

The doctor had said, "This late in the day you might want to wait to start the steroid tomorrow or else you won't be able to sleep tonight." 

Wanting my voice back sooner rather than later, I took the first day's dosage of the little white pills as soon as I got home. (As a guy, I know that following a doctor's advice is optional - like braking when a traffic light turns yellow.)

This evening, with newfound energy, I decided to rearrange my home office. I had been thinking it would make an excellent new year project since I had become aware of the setup not being optimal for my current workflow. 

Now it's nearly 1:00 am, and my office looks like this:

Yes, it's a little bit cluttered, but tomorrow I will finish organizing things and decluttering. The work side of the room is somewhat better already:

Anyway, all this to say that I might have to look into taking steroids on a regular basis. 😉

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