Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Tuesday, August 9, 2022


John Wesley once preached the following about 'begging' for the poor: 

You might properly say in your own case, ‘To beg I am ashamed;’ but never be ashamed to beg for the poor; yea, in this case, be an importunate beggar.”              (From his sermon On Visiting the Sick)

I had to look up Importunate

urgent or persistent in solicitation, sometimes annoyingly so” (


Samaritan Radio is a Christian station in Kenya launched 3 years ago with the financial and prayer support of Mission Resource International out of Columbus, Indiana. Small but mighty Samaritan is broadcasting the good news of Jesus Christ every day within earshot of 30 to 50 thousand Kenyans.

That message would not be going out if Mission Resource and its supporters didn’t exist. This is a big part of what inspired me to join the MR team last January – we are doing essential Gospel work in areas within developing countries where other resources are slim or non-existent. Maybe you already know about our approaches and the needs that we seek to meet through Mission Resource: small, short-range investments in individuals and businesses in the developing world as a means to empower people to support themselves and to grow in faith.

Currently, I am trying to avoid having my salary cut into the further work MR could be doing in Kenya, Ghana, Haiti or anywhere God calls us in the future. With the current worldwide economic difficulties, the demand for the microfinance services MR offers is greater than ever.

So I am attempting to get myself to the point where I can be a “tentmaker”, earning enough $ through writing and preaching on the side that I can devote my primary time to Mission Resource without need for a salary.

I am not there yet. 

In the meantime, I am again turning to brothers and sisters in Christ - like you - who may be willing to support me as a missionary. So many friends, family members, and even strangers gave sacrificially to put me and my family in Haiti for 7 years. Our time there was fruitful then and continues to be fruitful now* and we are forever grateful for the generosity that was shown to us and the Kingdom work we were a part of.

I hope you do not think I am being too forward to ask again for support. If so, please know that I am only willing to “beg” for the benefit of the poor. This is a calling God has put on my life and I know of no other way to fulfill it here in the short run.

So I might get importunate.

I have been with Mission Resource for 7 months now and I know it to be a trustworthy and Spirit-led enterprise from top to bottom. Within the next few weeks, I will be traveling to Ghana to see our operations there firsthand – expect my enthusiasm to skyrocket. πŸ˜‰

Would you please pray about giving a special gift or even monthly support to Mission Resource to support me as a missionary? Then, if the Spirit leads, our website makes it easy for you to offer support at

God bless you and thank you for your time and consideration.

(Currently there is not an option to click on to designate a donation for "Steve Gross", but we are a small enough operation that we will be able to track it easily.

 Here's me in my little corner of the Mission Resource office:


*We had opportunity recently to catch up with three of our former students (Maxiane, Keven, and Keren) who are now in the States for college. I was so impressed with all three - their futures look bright! Praise God. He is faithful!

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