Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Saturday, August 13, 2022


I have a suggestion for anyone who is asked these days for his or her pronouns: Just respond with "I/me" and "you/your".

First and second person pronouns work great for all of us. No need to change a thing. 

Acceptable: "Hi. How are you doing?"

"I am fine. Thank you."

"Would you like a donut?"

"Heck, yes I would!"

On the other hand, third person pronouns are only used when you are talking about me.

Why would I attempt to dictate that you use "he/him" when I am not around? 

For instance, if you say to your friend something like, "Did you see Steve's hair? It looks like he cut it himself!", why would I presume to exercise control over your speech to somebody else? 

The words other people use about me are just one aspect of life over which I have zero control

I have come to terms with that. 

I think it would be healthy if everyone did. 

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