Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Thursday, September 16, 2021


Another helpful debate suggestion if you truly hope to persuade your opponent: acknowledge where they might be right. Acknowledge their fears, their perspective, and their reasons. Find some common ground.

When I teach my 8th graders how to write a persuasive essay next semester, they will be required to research and acknowledge their opponents' strongest arguments. In the opening paragraph.

It's prescribed way to start a debate.

But I have seen almost none of this in the Covid wars. 

Why does everything have to be painted a stark black or white? 

Take the recent "debates" surrounding Ivermectin, for example:

  • Ivermectin is now a "horse de-wormer". Can we not acknowledge it is used in both animals and humans? And Rural King is not the only place to buy it?
  • Ivermectin is apparently either 100% useless or a miracle drug. Can it not be somewhere in between?
  • Could it be possible that Ivermectin works wonders for some people and not for others? Can we not list dozens of medicines for blood pressure, mental illness, and other conditions that are hit-or-miss depending on the individual? Not to mention just about every cancer treatment ever devised?
For the sake of everyone's sanity, let's all strive to take one little step toward the other side in the midst of these "debates".

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