Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Monday, March 15, 2021


It's late so I have only a series of short questions tonight. Short but with big ramifications. And they all center on that little voice in the back of our minds that is constantly shooting its mouth off throughout our days:

In general, how often does that little voice speak the truth to us?

How often does it speak the truth about those we consider to be our enemies?

And how often does it speak the truth even about those we love?

How often does it speak the truth about who we ourselves are?

How often does it say we are worthwhile? That we are valued? Or loved?


And why do we put so much stock in what it tells us?

If we had the power to examine objectively the things that voice says to us, we would see that it is wrong so much more often than it is right. 

You know that, don't you?

Why do you listen to it? Why do I listen to it?

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