You'll be glad to know that I am successfully resisting the urge to write about politics tonight even though something I read on Twitter about an hour ago has my blood boiling.
Thus I have spared you an unhealthy dose of my righteous anger and some finger pointing and a whole mess of whataboutism. Maybe a sprinkle of virtue signaling, too. You will never know what you have missed!
To be sure, I wanted to write about it, but I decided that if I indulged my (self) righteous anger here, nothing would have been gained except spreading that anger.
If you were inclined (already) to agree with me, you would have caught my anger and possibly even spread it to other people. On the flip side, if you disagreed with me, you would still experience anger, but it would be directed at me personally.
Either way, the result would be multiplied anger in the world.
(Fortunately, I have a "safety valve" - I just shared my disgust over the tweet with my three oldest kids and my wife and left it at that.)
As I have reflected on this over the past hour, I have decided that, when it comes to politics, the easiest thing in the world is to vent.
The hardest thing is to ask myself what am *I* going to do about this issue? And "what I do about it" needs to be substantially more - and better - than just spreading indignation around.
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