Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Monday, May 13, 2024


I recently reread Jonathan Edwards' famous sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.

It's hard to imagine that many people, especially among Calvinists, speak of this sermon in glowing terms. I find it sickening.

In my preaching lately, we are taking a look at Scriptural themes which are first mentioned in the opening chapters of Genesis and then go on to be developed throughout the rest of the Bible.

Looking at God's response to Adam and Eve's famous misstep in the Garden of Eden, it is remarkable how "chill" God is in His reaction to their disobedience. He seems the very opposite of what Edwards described.

Now, He IS firm and uncompromising and there ARE severe consequences for the choices which were made. But He (rightly, in my humble opinion) takes the serpent to task first, holding him accountable for leading Adam and Even into sin.

Notice the serpent gets cursed and the ground gets cursed, but not Adam and Eve. 

They are booted out of Eden not because God is angry with them but because He does not want them to eat from the Tree of Life and live (in sin) forever. 

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