Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Sunday, May 26, 2024


There was a carbonated soda available in Haiti literally called "Candy Juice". 

This strikes me as a better, more descriptive term for what we currently call "soda" or "pop". 

I was in the grocery store yesterday and overheard a couple talking as they stood in the candy juice aisle.

The woman was perplexed because her child had requested blue Mountain Dew candy juice and she could not find it on the shelf.

This brought several questions to mind:
  1. Why do our groceries have an entire aisle dedicated to candy juice when it is nothing but carbonated high fructose corn syrup in a rainbow of colors?
  2. Where does that blue dye come from?
  3. Does your child really need all that extra sugar in his diet? (I looked it up: 12 teaspoons of sugar per "serving" of Mountain Dew candy juice. Twelve!)
  4. Why, in God's name, are we putting such substances into our own bodies, let alone the bodies of our children?
  5. How long can our species survive on such a perverted diet?
Overhearing this conversation and still aching from the fact that I had earlier purchased (and consumed) a rather large bag of addictive smores-flavored candy made me decide it might be a good time for another extended fast.

Melissa is out of town until Thursday, so it is an ideal time. I had decided to start this morning. I made it easily until about 4:00 pm when Sarah suggested we go see a movie. 

My spirit was willing, but my flesh was weak: I couldn't resist movie theater popcorn.*

I will start again tomorrow. I have never put blue Mountain Dew into my gut - and I never will. But even so, my system could stand a reset.

* We watched Fall Guy. I don't regret eating the popcorn - even though Sarah always insists on making it swim in the theater's "butter" - because it was the best part of the movie. Current American movies are about as substantive and edifying as our diet.

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