Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Sunday, May 19, 2024


I think it makes a big difference to our theology as to whether we think of death and separation from God as Adam and Eve's punishment or as a natural consequence of their actions.

A punishment is like a parent saying, "If you touch that TV again, I'm going to spank you!"

A consequence is a parent saying, "If you touch that stove top, you're going to get burned!"

I see the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden as a consequence more than a punishment. 

If your child touches the TV again after you've told her not to, you get angry.

If your child touches the stove top and burns himself, you're not angry - you feel pity. 

Which one is more in line with God's response in the aftermath of Adam and Eve's terrible decision that fateful day?

How you answer makes a world of difference in how you view the relationship between God and fallen humanity. 

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