Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Saturday, May 11, 2024


This was our third weekend on a college campus and the second graduation. This time it was Hannah's turn. Her good friend from Haiti days, Haylee, flew from New Jersey for the occasion and - as a last minute surprise - Caleb flew in from Texas.

Melissa and I drove our mini van up to Olivet Nazarene University on Friday morning with Sarah and Grandma Trudy in tow. Our big task of the day was to move Hannah's ginormous sectional couch to her friend's apartment and then pack up the rest of Hannah's stuff to bring back to Indiana. (And then put where exactly? That's a worry for next week.)

The couch needed to maneuver an extremely tight corner at the bottom of a staircase and it took us over an hour to get it from the front step into the apartment. I honestly despaired of the possibility and then was ultimately proven wrong.

Afterwards, the packing of clothing and furniture and whatnot into the van gave me a challenge unlike any I had faced since our days of moving back and forth between Haiti and Indiana. (Hannah has a whole lot of whatnot!)

We did manage, though, and then had time for a nice sit-down dinner together. 

At 11:00 pm I left for the Chicago airport, a little over an hour away. In the rain. I don't enjoy big city driving but picking up Caleb was a relatively smooth process. We were back to the hotel before 2:30 am, I think. (Had to stop for a burrito.)

This morning brought a rush out of the hotel to get over to the chapel on campus by 8:30. The ceremony was meaningful and well-executed from start to finish.

Hannah now has a college diploma. Next up - a search for a position as an interior designer. (Mom and dad are praying it will be in Indiana!)

We made it back home a little after 8 pm and we are worn out. Hannah has to take Haylee to the Cincinnati airport first thing in the morning, I need to preach, then we get to celebrate Mother's Day over lunch before Caleb has to go to the Indianapolis airport. 

Exhausted but blessed. 

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