Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Friday, May 17, 2024


I've been preaching on foundational themes found in the early chapters of Genesis over the last few weeks. This week I have arrived at Genesis 3 - the story of the serpent tempting Eve and all the repercussions that follow her decision. 

It's a tough passage to narrow a focus which is meaningful but will also fit within 25 minutes. An entire library of books has been written on this passage. This is the starting point for the theology and anthropology of every serious Christian systematic that ever took root in the church. 

And many of those are at odds with each other in big and small ways!

What's curious to me is this: for such a fundamental turning point for humanity, the "Fall" sure isn't referenced often throughout the rest of the Old Testament. 

It's almost as if the onset of sin was inevitable.

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