Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Tuesday, November 14, 2023


When I was teaching teenagers, I would sometimes point out to them how easy it would be these days for them to distinguish themselves from teenage peers in the workplace.

The bar is set so low that all it takes to stand out is basic considerations like showing up on time, refraining from phone scrolling during work hours, and being friendly to customers. 

If you do those things, I would tell the teens, you will be considered a rockstar by your employer. 

So simple.

And it seems to me that one could say something similar to American Christian adults.

(I try not to be too negative about the modern American church, but there's also no use in denying reality.)

 It would be super easy to stand out among American church members these days: pray regularly, study the Bible on your own time, and support the church and missions with your resources - time, energy, and dollars.

So simple, but you would automatically be in the top 5% of believers nationwide.

A rockstar of the faith.

So why don't more believers do it? I suppose for the same reason more teens don't put effort into their afterschool jobs ...

Not many care to be rockstars.

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